Our dry food formulas have been specially designed to cater for specific breeds, lifestyles and dietary requirements.

Dogs are often fed the same product day after day on a continuous basis or even throughout their entire lifetime. That’s why it is critical to give them foods that combine the various ingredients in the right proportion.
Breeders Choice balanced dog food is one that can be used consistently for a balanced diet and is designed to provide your pet with all the nutrition it needs, every day, every meal.
Our Balanced formula delivers all the nutrients required for a healthy coat, good digestion and abundant energy, packed in with flavours they love to eat.
Specially formulated for moderately active breeds such as: Rottweilers, Poodles, Whippets, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Boston terriers and all breeds with a balanced lifestyle.

Our Active formulas are suitable if you have a working or sporting dog or if your dog is a lively, dynamic breed with endless energy.
Unlike humans who get most of their energy from carbohydrates, working and sporting dogs get most of their energy from protein and fats. An active dog’s diet is all about quality rather than quantity, as too much food can lead to weight problems.
Active dogs should eat a food with high protein content and higher fat levels, which will give your dog the sustained energy they need while helping them maintain a healthy weight.
Our Active formula uses high quality ingredients, with added glucosamine and chondroitin, to help keep your pet’s joints healthy and flexible.
Specially formulated for energetic breeds such as: Jack Russells, Beagles, Springer Spaniels, Boxers, German Pointers, Weimaraners and all breeds with active lifestyles.

Grain Free recipes could be right for your dog if they have specific food allergies, or if you simply want to introduce food that supports a healthier diet.
Signs of food allergy symptoms can be:
- Chronic diarrhoea
- Excessive feet licking
- Excessive scratching of the hindquarters
- Vomiting
Some of the most common food allergy problems can be solved by switching to a grain free diet. Before you change their diet, you may want to consult with your vet first.
Our grain free formula can also help to control your dog’s weight. Dogs aren’t much different to humans when it comes to food consumption versus energy output, and if your dog is eating a lot of grains in their food without getting enough exercise, it could cause them to put on extra weight.

Finally, along with reducing food allergies and helping them maintain a healthy weight, it can also help improve the appearance of their coat. Switching to a grain free diet helps make their skin healthier, their coat shinier, and can even help reduce shedding
Our formula replaces wheat and rice with potatoes, sweet potatoes and peas. The benefits you should see from a grain free diet include reduction or prevention of allergies, less waste and more energy. Specially formulated for German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Yorkshire Terriers, West Highland Terriers, Dachshunds and all dog breeds prone to allergies and dietary sensitivity.
Our Value formula is suitable for less active dogs, such as guard dogs, or breeds which are simply not so energetic.
It has reduced levels of proteins and fats which can be beneficial to dogs which are overweight or suffer from fat intolerance.
However, it still contains the right level of essential nutrients to keep your dog fit and healthy.
Because the recipe is lower in proteins and fats, we are able to produce our Value pack at very competitive prices.

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Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FH
Company No. 8672710
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Breeders Choice is an Anchor Brands product